Participate in training courses suitable for each position, always listen to difficulties and share experiences from leaders, high promotion opportunities.


Participate in training courses suitable for each position, always listen to difficulties and share experiences from leaders, high promotion opportunities.
ECO-SMART – The technology sector belongs to the ecosystem of ECOZEN Group with MORE THAN 100 employees, honored to be accompanied by a team of experts with more than 30 YEARS of experience in the field of technology and automation. Eco-Smart has been striving to ensure that all members feel comfortable and have the opportunity to develop strong expertise.
ECO-SMART – B2B business model specializes in providing advanced technology solutions such as:
Visualize measurement data on the operating status of machinery, equipment, energy consumption, etc. from factories and businesses to help manage and analyze ROI accurately and quickly.
LEARN MOREUsing IoT devices to measure indicators such as vibration, temperature, power consumption, etc. of machines and equipment helps to assess their condition and performance, and can also warn of damage risks to help businesses handle them promptly.
In addition, we also distribute IoT devices to deploy solutions at Eco-Smart. These include: flow meters, electricity meters, sensors, communication electronic devices, IoT gateways.
Mr. Yap Mew Sang
General Director of ECOZEN Group
Mr. Yap Zhen Yang
Eco-Smart CEO
Mr. Võ Minh Tâm
Director of Diginexus Academy
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