Cyber Security Management (CSM)

Cyber Security Management (CSM)

Using the internet and cloud for business can increase the risk of scams and security threats. Proprietary information and production data can be stolen. A single cyber attack could seriously damage your business and its reputation. To many businesses protecting the IT systems from hackers is an intimidating task. Cybersecurity seems scary and confusing and […]

EQUIPMENT Condition Monitoring (ECM)

Giải pháp giám sát tình trạng máy móc

Study by McKinsey, Predictive Maintenance in Factories; i.) Reduce Downtime by up to 50 percent, ii.) Save Equipment Maintenance Costs      between 10 percent and 40 percent. ECM monitors process drifts, process instabilities or oscillations to make adjustments to improve production efficiency.  ECM Predictive Analytics provides early warning detection of abnormal and undesirable process events […]